May 20, 2009

Contact Me

Contact me with questions, comments, or anything else!
redhead recipes (at) gmail (dot) com


  1. Hi Sarah! I'm hosting a cooking panel on my blog. Would you do us all the honor of taking part? We would love to have your gourmet voice in the mix. Let me know if you're interested and and email address where I can reach you and I'll send more details. (

  2. love your blog! your photos make everything look so yummy. loved your christmas photo! elaine

  3. Thanks for following my blog! I checked out yours and immediately signed up to follow it. I have got to try some of your recipes. In fact, probably all of them!! They look sooo good!!

  4. My friend told me about your site because my son is starting law school at Lincoln, NE this month too. He graduated from BYU so if you run into him feed him something good. He was a food science major at the Y. Kyle is his name. Good luck with law school. It's nice to know some one from home. Thanks, Jayne

  5. for ur mint chocolate swirl cookies, the coco powder, is unsweetened coco powder?

  6. ally - yes it is the usual baking cocoa - unsweetened. Not the stuff you use for hot chocolate.

  7. hey love your blog! it's amazing. I hope you don't mind. I posted your green mashed potatoes on my blog with a direct link to yours. I thought it was so creative and a great recipe.


Let me know what you think! But please... no spam.