October 15, 2009

Felt Food

I know, I am probably a little late on the felt food craze, but I love them! I think they are perfect to get my baby excited for fabulous food. If she likes it in felt, she will like it in real life right?
Check out these amazing pieces!
(You can click on the link below the pictures to take you to where they are from?)


  1. I recently saw these on etsy and am thinking of them for my Niece for christmas!!!! SO CUTE!

  2. It it NEVER too late to be crazy about felt food! I love it...so charming and much better than plastic.

  3. I LOVE felt food! I've been wanting to make some for a while now...

  4. If you are late on the craze I don't know where that leaves me. I have never seen it before this and I totally want it for my 1 1/2 year old girl who is obsessed with helping in the kitchen. THANKS

  5. Danilelle - click on the link below the picture and it will take you to those sites. There are a lot more on etsy. I just did a search for the images.

  6. how fun!! The only problem is that I want to eat that little white cake!


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