January 15, 2010

Make Every Day Special

Can't decide what to make for dinner? Check out what holiday it is. Maybe it is oatmeal Monday - make steel cut oats for breakfast, meatloaf with oatmeal in it, and oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Or maybe it is arbor day and everything has to be in the shape of trees: make a steak trunk with green mashed potatoes for the tops. Or just serve broccoli.

Look how fun my month of January is. Today is Strawberry Ice Cream day and Hat day. I think for dinner we will all wear silly hats and have strawberry ice cream for dessert. Too bad I don't have those bowls that look like baseball helmets that you get at a baseball game. We could have eaten our ice cream out of those bowls.
What do you do to spice things up at your kitchen table?

If you have a Mac, or iCal, I have made a calendar you can download easily onto your computer. If you would like it, just email me.


Let me know what you think! But please... no spam.