April 16, 2010

Bake Sale

Hate that kids go hungry? Me too. Love baked goods? Me too.

Currently my kitchenaid is kneading some dough for my Rosette Dinner Rolls.

Want some? Come on over to Shirley J's tomorrow at the Bake Sale. Or head over to Dan's if you live in Salt Lake. (My rolls won't be there, but the good cause will.

For more information, check out the post here.


  1. We'll be visiting Dan's tomorrow! Yay!

  2. What a gorgeous roll! Now I'm wishing I could go to the Orem Bake Sale too!

  3. Thanks so much for all your help. People were really excited about your rolls. I think they'll be on a few kitchen tables for dinner tonight! :) And your packaging was SO cute!

    I'm going to try one asap! Just lovely I say, lovely!

    PS...so good to meet you in person.


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