July 30, 2010

The Kitchen is Closed... Temporarily

My family and I are moving tomorrow. Hard to believe it is finally here. I have been so comfortable in Utah - I have lived here since I was 7, only taking a 3 year break for college (and the summers living with my parents in Hawaii). It is what's comfortable, it is where my family is, it is easy. But here we go! On to a new adventure! We are moving to Lincoln Nebraska while my husband attends UNL's law school. It is exciting and scary to be going to a place that is different, uncomfortable, new! I hope we adjust quickly. I am a little shy and am planning on the first 6 months or so being really hard. Like my mom says, if you plan on it being really bad then you won't be disappointed; you may be pleasantly surprised.
So almost everything in our little apartment is boxed up. And of course, that includes my kitchen. We will be eating out for the next week or so - so be patient with me. I will be back soon with some new recipes - maybe even Nebraska-inspired recipes! 


  1. Miss you already! I hope everything goes smoothly. Get a blow up mattress for me and J. I'm already planning a trip to see you.

  2. Best of luck on your new adventure! Enjoy your time and we will be here when you get back.

  3. Best of luck with your move! Hopefully it will be super easy and you'll make lots of wonderful new friends.

  4. Good Luck with your move! I'm sure things will go well. I always say that if you think that things will go well then they will. You create your own reality in your mind. Envision yourself getting to Nebraska and meeting a wonderful friendly community! Take care.

  5. thanks everyone! Deborah- that is much more optimistic than what I was thinking. I will try yours! :)

  6. I'm really glad you shared this blog on the ward blog list. I like it a lot. You have some great stuff on here :) You should follow me & Aaron: aaronandlaurelmarsh@blogspot.com

    I also have a photography blog: laurelmarshphotography.com

    I was reading this post and thought of an ensign article I just read in the new August's issue. It's all about people's experiences going somewhere new and meeting new people. It's on page 49. If you get a chance, you should check it out. Good luck with your move!

  7. Good luck Sarah! It was fun meeting you at the Rubio's event.

    As a former military bratt who spent her entire childhood moving every 3 years...I totally agree with Deborah's comment. Think it will be wonderful and it will be. I'm sure you'll make all kinds of wonderful friends. You never know, moving can be an exciting new adventure :)

    Good luck!

  8. I am so excited for you guys. It may be hard at first, but I'm sure it will turn into a fun adventure in no time! And keep up the great recipes when you are settled in. I am living vicariously through you and your mad cooking skills while I am little too busy to play in the kitchen. Good luck!!

  9. I actually have a really good friend that lives in Lincoln. She moved there about a year ago or so. I'll get her info and pass it along to you. You'll love her!

  10. Good Luck with your move, Sarah! You'll do great!

  11. Good luck with the move, Sarah. Just start another cooking club and suddenly everyone will want to be your best friend! Hope everything goes smoothly.

  12. Thanks again to everyone for your kind thoughts. I am sure it will go great. The move out today went very smooth!
    Laura - yes, send her my information! If she is a foodie we need to eat together :)

  13. Have a great start in Lincoln.
    You'll do great, I am sure =)

  14. Sarah - We're excited to have you in Lincoln!! Hope you're move went smooth and look forward to meet you when we get back from vacation.

  15. Hmmm your blog sounds delicious. Looking forward to following it. Hope your move goes well. I undertsand the bit about the first six months being hard. I finally feel like I am settling into the community we moved to 7 months ago. It takes time to forge new relationships and feel "at home". Invite poeple over to taste your amazing food and you will have friends in a snap!

  16. I didn't really say that about expecting it to be bad, did I?


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