December 21, 2010

It's a boy!

Yesterday, thanks to some old friends at the hospital I used to work at, we were able to take a quick peak at our little baby. After a bit of searching, we finally got a for-sure shot: We are having a little boy! We are so excited. My husband especially. I am excited to buy cute boy things, like that hat. I have a thing with little boys and dinosaurs - so he will probably have a few items with dinos on them. We will have to start doing some research on names and shopping for boy stuff. Luckily, I bought boy bedding last pregnancy - so we are set there.

Hope you all are having a Merry Christmas. As most people this week, I will be spending it with family and relaxing. I won't spend too much time in the kitchen since we are staying with the in-laws. The posts may be a bit sparse through the holidays - but I am sure you will be busy with your families and adventures. Happy Holidays!


  1. Congratulations! What wonderful news just in time for Christmas :)

  2. That is so great! Little boys are wonderful.

  3. Congratulations! I hope he's a redhead! Mine is and his friends call him "Ginger" which he loves!

  4. You know I am excited!! Horray!

  5. Did I miss a post? Congratulations, a boy !! that's so sweet. Happy holidays

  6. Yeah! Congrats!! I didn't know you were out here. It would have been fun to see you at work! Hope everything is going well. Merry Christmas!

  7. Congratulations! I have loved shopping for little boy stuff. So fun!

  8. Yea! Congrats! I hope you are feeling good and enjoying the holiday!

  9. What exciting news! Congrats to you and your husband.

  10. yay yay yay!!!!! SO FUN! Boys are a blast!! Make way for lots of trucks, trains, cars, and airplanes! Little boys just love their mommy too!! So happy!

  11. great news. . . . oh the perks of being a nurse!

  12. boys are so fun! How great to have one of each, pressure is off!

  13. I must have missed something because I didn't realize you were pregnant! Congrats! Boys are so much fun!!

  14. Congrats! I just found out I am having a boy too! Well, another one... :) I am super excited. Lovely blog you have here. Will be back soon.


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