January 27, 2011

New Job

The first few months after moving to Nebraska was a little busy and stressful for me, to say the least. I just couldn't face adding training for a new job on top of my already overwhelming list:
- move
- adjust to husband in first semester of law school
- get settled/find friends
- finish up online classes (which were both more time consuming than expected)
- be a good mom

Lucky for me, I was able to interview for a nursing position on an L&D unit in a beautiful new hospital. They hired me, but were willing to let me start after things settled down a bit. AC and I thought after Christmas break things would be better. So, last week, I started at the new Medical Center just outside Omaha. I still have 2 1/2 weeks of training left - just enough time to get adjusted to the charting and how things are run. So far so good! The nurses I have met are all so friendly and in the words of Annie, "I think I'm gonna like it [t]here!"

Between my hour commute each way and my 12 hour shifts I don't get to see my daughter at all on the days that I work. It totally stinks. I cried on my way home Monday realizing that I wouldn't get to see her.  (I blame the tears on pregnancy hormones.)  Once I am off orientation I will work nights (7 pm to 7 am) and only two days a week. Then I will only miss a few hours of her awake time and she will barely know I am gone. I am excited for this new adventure and we will see how it goes! Wish me luck!


  1. That's so exciting- L&D is such a great place! But when will you sleep?!

  2. I'm with Christina... when WILL you sleep?? How exciting though, so happy you are liking it there! L&D nurses are my absolute favorite.

  3. Congratulations on your new job Sarah! It's definitely the hormones! Don't worry....everything will work out. :-))

  4. congrats on the new job! I am still looking for something to do down here. It it tougher than I thought to find a new job here.

  5. Yay!!! back to night shifts!

    you can do it!

  6. Christina and Hil - I got very little sleep with my old job (maybe a couple hours after a night shift). it was hard but worth the sacrifice to not put Lou in daycare. But I do have some friends who are helping watch Lou a few hours after I work until her nap and then I will sleep the 2-3 hours during her nap. It will be much better.
    Kristen - yes, I was surprised at how few jobs there were out here too. It was truly a blessing this job!

  7. Wishing you lots and lots and LOTS of luck! You can totally do it!

  8. All of that on top of being pregnant sounds extremely overwhelming! I'm impressed you stay so sane. Congrats on the new job! I hope it continues to be great! And I'm also worried about your sleep, so hopefully you get some whenever possible.

  9. Wow!! I am a little slow today, are you going to work only two days a week? or more days?
    Congrats on the new job!

  10. Sarah-good luck at your new job. I love all the recipes on your blog...there are so many I need to try! And congrats on a boy! so fun.


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