February 23, 2011

Fish Tank Cake

I was inspired by Parenting.com to make this cake for my daughter's "Under the Sea" themed birthday party. It looked fairly easy, and since I worked the night before the party, I needed a cake that was fairly simple. I made this Homemade Funfetti recipe - only I doubled it for a 9x13 cake pan and baked for about 35 minutes. Because nothing says kid's birthday like Funfetti!

The rest of the cake was done the day of the party - it took me less than an hour for sure.
I frosted it with my Buttercream Recipe. Once I was sure the cake was covered evenly, I kind of swirrled the frosting, to make it look like water.
Sand = Heath crumbs (you can find it near the chocolate chips in the baking aisle).
Castle = Graham Crackers, cut to whatever shape you want
Fish  = Goldfish crackers and Swedish Fish. The bubbles are white frosting and the eyes are melted chocolate (although if I did this again, I would skip the eyes...).
Twisted seaweed  = spearmint gum rolled on a sugared surface then twisted. (I actually misread the instructions, it called for actual spearmint leaves... oh well, the gum worked great too).
Spikey seaweed = Jolly Rancher Chews that you microwave for 3-4 seconds then roll out and cut to shape.


  1. If it tastes half as good as it looks, I'll be happy. It looks fantastic.

  2. Holy cow, Sar. That is amazingly cute.

  3. DARLING! I love it Sarah! I am going to file this idea away for one of the kiddos birthday.

  4. That turned out super cute! My 16 yr. old son is really into the fish/aquarium stuff right now...I wonder how it would work for him? :)

  5. So cute Sarah! I bet it was a hit!

  6. So cute Sarah! I bet it was a hit!

  7. Valerie - I think this would be totally fun for a teenager. I loved things like this when I was a teenager, not everything has to be so "old."

  8. I love it! I might have to steal this for the girls birthday... would be cute to do two 8x8 pans one for each and kind of personalize it for them since they are twins! love it!

  9. I am doing this for Betta's birthday. That has got to be the cutest cake I've seen. LOVE IT!

  10. I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! I soon will be making a cake for a two year old. Where the heck does the time go?


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