February 11, 2011

Yellow Thai Curry

I just started working night shifts now for my job. It is so much nicer to only miss a few hours of Lou's day - rather than the whole thing. I think we will both do much better.
The only problem is the obvious one - I am tired. I have great friends who are helping me watch Lou for a few hours in the morning so I can sleep, plus I sleep during her nap. That gives me about 6 hours of sleep - which is much better than I expected. But, I am a 8-9 hour girl. I know there are few of us out there, but I really need that amount of sleep or I am cranky/weepy/impatient. The days after I work I am moving slow and don't get much done around the house. Then dinner rolls around - and I need something fast and easy. This Thai Curry recipe is just that - easy easy! Thank you Trader Joe's!

Yellow Thai Curry
2 chicken breasts, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 small onion, cut in half then sliced
1 large bell pepper, sliced
1-2 tomatoes, sliced (I like to use a Roma or something with a lot of flesh and not a lot of juice)
Trader Joe's Yellow Thai Curry sauce (I use about half the jar)
Salt and Pepper

In a large frying pan or a wok, heat up a few tablespoons of vegetable oil over medium-high heat. Season chicken breast pieces with salt and pepper. Toss in wok, stirring occasionally, until almost cooked through. Add in onion, cook for an additional two minutes. Add in bell pepper, cook another 1 minute. Add sauce and tomatoes, cook until heated through. Serve over Jasmine Rice.

*If you don't want to do chicken - substitute any meat you like - pork, shrimp, beef, whatever you have in the freezer!


  1. Yum! I love curry and this looks super easy!
    Thanks for sharing

  2. i understand how it is after the days you work nights, I have done it for 4 years, you can do it. I am going to have to see if we have a trader joes near us.

  3. YUM. I wish we could still do dinners...

  4. I love curry AND Trader Joe's! This dish looks yummy and easy--the perfect match!

  5. I love Trader's Joe yellow curry! The red curry is good too.

  6. No Trader Joe's in these parts. Any suggestions for substitutes?

  7. We love curry! I have tried the Trader Joe's sauce, but we really love the Mae Ploy Yellow Curry Paste. So good!

  8. Mom (Nancy) - try Torrie's suggestion of Mae Ploy. Any good prepared sauce. You could even ask a local restaurant (if you have a good one) for the sauce - store it in the fridge/freezer until you needed it.


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