January 13, 2011

12 on the 12th - January 2011

I have followed Miranda's blog for a while and love these posts she does every month. I have only done it once before, but I hope to be a little better about it this year.

1. Yikes. My poor husband had to walk to his first day of school in that!
2. Breakfast - broiled grapefruit (recipe to come)
3. Went to see what she was up to - "just weeding"
4. Spent part of Lou's nap ironing shirts for my husband (this is about half of what I did)
5. After she woke up, and while I finished the last couple shirts - she drank three of these spray bottles full of water.
6. My daughter likes a lot of "boy things" -- she was very excited to see the tractor shoveling our apt complex's parking lot (post nap hair is so awesome)
7. Dinner - my version of Vanessa's Spanish Tortilla - (recipe to come)
8. Hit my 24 week mark!
9. My treat when the husband went back to school to study
10. How I found my shoes that night when I was tidying up.
11. My intended way to spend the evening -- only I got distracted by my new work schedule and trying to find babysitters
12. It was a long day, I got a lot done around the house... but I was exhausted and pregnant = emotional. I needed a couple of these.


  1. I follow Miranda too and love these posts...yet I always forget about it until I see her pics! Maybe next month??? Your pics are cute!

  2. Check out mine at:

    (It was my first ever!)

  3. Little Guy used to drink from the spray bottle all the time! Too cute. Your pregnant belly is so cute! Yay for being more than half way there!

  4. Yay Sarah! What a lovely grid. I love broiled grapefruit!

  5. Hehehe, cute :) I'm staring at the same stroller here at my places but it has a cat currently sitting in it.

  6. I'm 24 weeks too! When are you do? My due date is May 10, but I'm thinking this baby girl is coming earlier, since she was already measuring big at my ultrasound!
    Also, I recently read midwives (maybe it's a pregnancy thing??) and really liked it!!

  7. Your food looks GOOD!! Cute Lou...

  8. That ice cream looks sooo good and that book has been on my reading list for a while- please let us know if it's worth reading!

    Are you using a midwife this pregnancy?

  9. Okay, Have you started that book? I LOVE it!! Hope you enjoy it... Its one of my favs!

  10. Nice to see your Wednesday! I've never heard of broiled grapefruit and I eat it everyday. I await the recipe to come :)

  11. oh my goodness i will not complain about the cold here. -2 is COLD.

    your dinner looks delicious and i hear you when it comes to being pregnant & emotional. love the belly shot.

  12. Stew and Lindsey - I am due May 4th. I was measuring big too - but hoping to not go early becuase the week before is my husband's finals week! Yikes.

    Christina - no, I am not using a midwife. This book doesn't make you want to use one :) (But that's not why).

    Adele - I am about 2/3 of the way through the book. I am really liking it (being an L&D nurse it is pretty interesting)

    Lee - it is a great treat! Hope you'll try it. Look for the recipe next week.

  13. Okay, the weather being -2? that's just WRONG. So sorry, Ariel! Gag me!
    I love this idea of 12 on the 12th! So cool.
    I will say, though, I don't love the idea of grapefruit anything. I'm not a fan. But, MAYBE since you said you weren't a fan BEFORE this recipe, I MIGHT try it. MIGHT. :)
    I thought of you when I cooked a fancy meal the other day. I thought to myself, "sarah would be proud of me right now." :)
    lots of love!
    p.s. 24 weeks already?! you go, girl!


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