I also must preface that my in-laws do not get their jollies from food. For them, food is fuel. Period. (I know, it is a little odd.)
So, this last week I traveled with my father-in-law and baby to Texas to visit my sister-in-law and her family. We left for the airport at 10 am, flew out to Denver at noon. We had a little bit of a layover - it was about 1:30 in the afternoon. My thoughts, "lunchtime!" I didn't want to mention it because I didn't want my father-in-law to think I wanted him to buy it for me, and because I thought "he must be hungry." Nope. So I got out my "snack" and ate almost the entire bag of my sweet and salty goodness. Well thanks to good ol' Southwest we had a stop in Amarillo and didn't arrive at our destined Dallas until 6:45. We were the last plane to land and the airport was closed. So, we had to sit in the baggage claim area for over an hour while we waited for the thunderstorms, lightning, and tornadoes (yes, tornadoes) to pass. We were walking out of the airport close to 8:15. Bless my 8 year old niece who was saying she was hungry. Well, the airport we landed in was fairly small and the only thing that was open was Chili's - we didn't want to wait that long - and Cinnabon. We took a box of 6 cinnamon rolls and ate them in the car. Seriously, that's what my meals consisted of - Chex Mix and cinnamon rolls. Thankfully when we got home the lasagna had been put in the oven a while before the power went out and had finished cooking. So we ate in candlelight while we waited for the tornado power-outage to resolve. What an adventure! Things I have learned: when traveling with the in-laws, bring food (or speak up like cute niece!).

Oh, sad. I don't understand people who don't dream of food like we do.
Hi- It's Rochelle- Ariel's friend from school... sorry to crash your new blog, but I had to check out some of your recipes! This first post I saw made me laugh SOOO hard because my family is the same when it comes to food, and my husband's is the same as Ariel's when it comes to food!! So funny. JUST LIKE YOU SAID, when my family goes on vacation, we're always checking out cool places to eat. Isn't that a part of going to new places? To experience their culture, thus eating their food? My in laws, bless their hearts, when we go on our anual family vacation, buy all their food at the grocery store, and all we eat are lettuce sandwhices with a garnish of ham!! haha Thanks for the laugh :)
congrats on the food blog sarah!! it looks like lots of fun, and I can't wait to see more...I love all the tips too by the way!
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